Why capped composite decking?


How do contractors and homeowners decide on which decking manufacturer to use? There are a variety of factors. Every project is different, from budget to size and shape to aesthetic appeal. For that reason, in some cases, a decking option that is perfect for one project might not be the best choice for another.

"Contractors should build with materials that are guaranteed to last."

But the decking market has begun to trend in a new direction over the last few years. Increasingly, contractors and builders recognize capped composite decking made from a polypropylene composite material as the best bet for commercial and residential building. This material has the range, durability and style to match up against - and surpass - any of the other major or traditional decking materials. So the question is not, which should you choose, but rather, should you choose the best? That question is an easy one to answer.

Match your means to your material
Some folks might balk at the thought of using a professional-grade material on a deck for their own home. After all, such a high-quality product must come with a hefty price tag. But capped composite decking, like many other styles, comes in three levels: good, better and best. At the entry level, the product is still just as durable, mold-resistant and low maintenance as the higher grades. The difference is in color scheme, detail and board width.

In other words, the "good" level of capped composite products still holds distinct advantages over higher tiers in other decking materials like non-capped composites or PVC.

Even the dog loves capped composite decking.Even the dog loves capped composite decking.

Go with a manufacturer you can trust
When planning for a major renovation to your home or working on a commercial project downtown, the material provider has to be an organization that is willing to go the extra mile. Unfortunately, many larger, big-name companies are not as dedicated to providing the right material as they are with the bottom line.

Small or mid-size groups tend to be more passionate about what they do, and it shows in their commitment to the job. Those brands will recommend the material that is truly the best fit and even suggest looking elsewhere if they aren't the right match.

Invest in yourself
Building a deck is an investment - not just in the value of the building, but in the quality of life you'll have when you're there. The enjoyment you get from hosting a barbecue or just relaxing with a book is ultimately more valuable than the boost in value - although that's also a nice perk. Take pride in the deck and build with materials that are guaranteed to last. Don't try to cut corners by using shoddy decking products or haphazard installation. You'll end up regretting it in the long run.

This holds true for the commercial sector, too. People use public decks as often as they can - and the space will enhance the mood of the people occupying it. Don't ruin that vibe by using materials that are quick to degrade or harbor mold and mildew.

Capped composite decking is an investment in people and their lifestyles as much as, if not more than, an investment in the building itself. For more information on this high-grade product, request a sample from Duralife Decking.